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Good Measure x The Chill Out Tent

The Chill Out Tent is a virtual space where you can relax, listen to music, watch films and read interviews all from the comfort of your own home but feeling like your watching the clouds roll over the Scottish highlands or seeing the sun set on a beach in Ibiza.

Following on from our GOOD vibes collection with The Long Shot Exp., we've put our efforts together with the folks over at The Chill Out Tent to create 4 new sweatshirts bossing mañana messaging as a reflection of a likeminded ethos.

mañana. It’s not just a word, it’s an attitude, a philosophy. mañana is taking things easy while doing what you want, exactly whenever you want, which is what we do. Mostly.

Pre-Orders are now live on our website, we suggest you read words from @djchriscoco & @strictlypoolside on what lead us to collaborate whilst listening to a playlist specially curated by @thechillouttent.


mañana 001-

''We’re sitting around flipping though tunes and a box of our latest obsessions, so that’s like - Japanese ambient music from the ‘90s; a book on the history of Drone; reconditioned vintage oil-wheel projectors; sheep-watching on the South Downs; and praxis, the art of working out what to do by actually doing it (as recommended to us by Anthony H Wilson). 

Then it hits - the big, bright, beautiful idea. 

We need to do something positive, make it happen, really make the difference, definitely, no messing… maybe tomorrow.

Then Chris, who sees himself as a bit of a hispanophile but is just over obsessed with music of the so called Balearic variety, says “It’s like mañana, it’s not just a word, it’s an attitude, a philosophy. There’s a whole way of life in that word. It’s tomorrow, bright and early, sun rising, birds tweeting, always about to happen, but always somehow just out of reach. mañana is taking things easy while doing what you want, exactly whenever you want. Like we do. Mostly.''

Steve, because, well he’s Steve, is already running with the idea, up that hill, in the direction of some sheep, who by now are scattering in different directions, a little dazed and confused, as they disappear into a glitchy video portal to mañana. “We’ll make a web page that is always ‘under construction’ - coming soon; and an email address with a constant out-of-office reply.”

“Thank you for your mail, we’ll get back to you soon.”

But because we’re who we are and we do what we do, which is to actually do stuff, albeit at our own pace, that conversation, on the hill, in the chill out tent, or wherever it was, has turned into this. The first physical version of our slightly blurred vision of mañana.

We've made some sweatshirts, really great sweatshirts, with a few different colours and a big fat mañana pasted across the front. No messing, no explanation. IYKYK.

We like to play nice with nice folks so we made a collaboration with (arguably) Manchester’s finest purveyors of quality clothing (Good Measure, obviously) and us, with our new mantra and a lovely logo (typeface designed by Studio Imeus).

They’re on pre-order now, but they won’t be for long, and when they’re gone they’re gone.'' 


Funded by subscribers, the project now livestream on the last Sunday of every month amongst other spontaneous events. Checkout their website HERE to see upcoming events and previous mixes. .