How our signature sweats are robust enough to stand even the most testing scenarios...
We all love a good live band right? Long term Good Measure fan John Merry is much the same, as he ventured out in our M-21 Shirley Crabtree Sweatshirt to see Fat White Family.
At the ripe old age of 46 John tells us how his sweatshirt got stamped on in the mosh pit and sent us a picture of his boot kissed and beaten sweatshirt.
We thought this would be a great opportunity to show just how well made our well made sweats are…
So in the wash it went and to quote John - ‘I am hopeful it’s going to wash well but I secretly don’t give a fuck because I trust the quality."
As seen below however our sweat did weather the storm and came up looking as lovely as 4pm on a Friday…
So there you go, if you're looking for a sweatshirt that that can take more hits than Rocky Balboa and still look as good as new in time for work on Monday, then look no further.
Thanks to John for the mails and images, appreciated.